5 Sex Toy Tips: Care & Cleanliness

5 Sex Toy Tips: Care & Cleanliness

1. Clean your toys and equipment before and after EVERY use! 

2. Toys can be cleaned with specialised cleaning products but can easily be safely cleaned with warm water and soap. With battery powered toys, remember to remove them before cleaning and avoid submerging completely in water.

3. Always air dry your toys to avoid cross contamination from towels or cloths etc.

4. It's best to store your toys individually and in a suitable way. Try and avoid storing non-silicone materials together as they can bond together! Suitable storage can range from anything from a make up bag to a medicine box or even a sock! As long as its clean, hygienic and not easily damageable you can use your imagination (a locked box is always a good idea if you have kids around)!

5. Check out this cheat sheet for some basic info:

Material Porosity How to Clean Where to Store
ABS Plastic Non-porous Warm water and soap or sex toy cleaner Lint-free fabric bag
Cotton Porous Cold water and soap Any clean container or drawer
Crystal, Stone, Wood* Non-porous Warm water and soap Lint-free fabric bag or padded container
Glass, Pyrex, Silicone, Stainless Steel Non-porous Motorized: warm water and soap or sex toy cleaner

Non-motorised: can also use boiling water or sanitize in dishwasher
Glass and Pyrex: lint-free fabric bag or padded container

Silicone or stainless steel: any clean container
Jelly, Rubber, Elastomer, Latex, Cyberskin Porous Room temperature water and a soapy washcloth Individually in a lint-free fabric bag or non-plastic container
Leather Porous Spot clean with a damp, soapy cloth Store in a cool, dry place and avoid storing in plastic
PVC and Vinyl Porous Warm water and a soapy washcloth Lint-free fabric bag
Nylon Non-porous Machine or hand-wash with soap Any clean container or drawer


*Crystal, stone, and wood can be porous or nonporous, depending on the type or the coating used. If it’s porous, clean with room temperature water and a soapy washcloth.

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